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Convert ER/Studio to Enterprise Architect

Current version: 1.01

Important to know

The TOOLBUS Interface for Enterprise Architect and ER/Studio Data Architect e nables the migration of Logical and Physical Data Models from ER/Studio Data Architect to UML Class Models and Data Models in Sparx Enterprise Architect. The layout of the logical and physical data model diagrams of ER/Studio Data Architect is maintained in the Class Diagrams and Data Model diagrams in Enterprise Architect.

Conversion Process

Migration Process: In order to migrate Logical or Physical Data Models from ER/Studio Data Architect to Enterprise Architect the TOOLBUS I nterface reads the logical and physical model s stored in an ER/Studio DM1 file, and convert s them to UML Class Models and Data Models for Enterprise Architect, which are inserted into a new Package in an Enterprise Architect Project (EAP file or server database ) using the API functions.


Platform: The TOOLBUS Interface for Sparx Enterprise Architect and ER/’Studio Data Architect requires Windows XP/Vista /7. It supports Enterprise Architect versions 6. 0 to 9. 2, and ER/Studio Data Architect versions 7.0 to 9.1.

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