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Convert PowerDesigner Data (CDM) / Logical Data (LDM) / Physical Data (PDM) to COOL:BusinessTeam

Current version: 1.01

Important to know

The TOOLBUS Interface for COOL:BusinessT eam/DBA and PowerDesigner and enables the import of Entity-Relationship Models from COOL:BusinessTeam (or from GroundWorks, Bachman/Analyst) into Conceptual Data Models in PowerDesigner, and the import of Physical Models (DB2 and Oracle models) from COOL:DBA (or from Terrain, Bachm an/DBA) to Physical Data Models in PowerDesigner.

Conversion Process

Import Alternatives: The TOOLBUS Interface provides three migration paths: 1. Import of Entity-Relat ionship Models from C OOL:BusinessTeam/GroundWorks into Conceptual Data Models in PowerDesigner: • Entity-Relationship Models (Entities, At tributes, Partnerships, Domains, Allowed Value Tables) are imported from COOL :BusinessTeam (or from GroundWorks, Bachman/Analyst) into Conceptual Models in PowerDesigner. • The System Maps to the physical model, which contain Table and Column names, are scanned in the COOL:BusinessTeam/GroundWorks model, and Code names are inserted into the Conceptual Data Model in Po werDesigner for Entities and Attributes. • Allowed Value Tables from COOL:Bus inessTeam/GroundWorks are migrated to Minimum/Maximum Values and Value Li sts of Domains in PowerDesigner. • When importing models from COOL:Busin essTeam to PowerDesigner, Filter Models are mapped to Data Model Diagrams in PowerDesigner, and the layout of the Entity- Relationship Diagrams is reproduced to a high degree. For models from GroundWorks, the layout of the whole Entity Model is reproduced, and for the Filters a default layout is generated for the Diagrams in PowerDesigner. Migration Process: To migrate a COOL:BusinessTeam/GroundWorks model to PowerDesigner, it must be exported into a VAR file. The TOOLBUS Interface generates a (XML) CDM file for PowerDesigner. 2 2. Import of Physical Models fr om COOL:DBA into PowerDesigner: • Relational Models (Databases, Tables, Co lumns, Indexes, etc.) are imported from COOL:DBA (or from Terrain, Bachman/ DBA) into Physical Data Models in PowerDesigner. • The System Maps to the logical model, whic h contain Entity and At tribute names, are scanned in the COOL:DBA/Terrain model, and Entity and Attribute names are inserted into the Physical Data Model in PowerDesigner for Tables and Columns. Migration Process: To import a COOL:DBA model into PowerDesi gner, it must be exported into a VAR file. The TOOLBUS Interface generates an XML (PDM ) file for PowerDesigner from the VAR export file. 3. Import of Entity-Relationship & Relati onal Models from COOL:BusinessTeam and COOL:DBA into PowerDesigner: The export files from COOL:BusinessTeam and COOL:DBA are migrated together: • The Conceptual Data Model in PowerDesigner is created from the COOL:BusinessTeam (or GroundWorks) model, as described for import path 1 above. • The Physical Data Model in PowerDesi gner is created from the COOL:DBA (or Terrain) model, as described for import path 2 above. • The System Maps to the Logical Model, which are found in the COOL:DBA/Terrain model, are evaluated, and links to Entities and Attributes are inserted into the PowerDesigner model for Tables and Columns. Migration Process: To import a COOL:BusinessTeam together with a COOL:DBA model into PowerDesigner, both models must be exported into VAR files. The TOOLBUS Interface generates (XML) CDM files and (XML) PD M files for PowerDesigner from the VAR export files.


The TOOLBUS Interface for PowerDesigner and COOL:BusinessTeam/DBA requires Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP. The TOOLBUS Interface supports the migration of Logical Models from the following Bachman tools to PowerDesigner 9: • COOL:BusinessTeam 1.2, 1.2a • GroundWorks 1.x, 2.x • Bachman/Analyst 4.15, 4.20, 4.30 and 4.4 The TOOLBUS Interface supports the migration of Physical Models from the following Bachman tools to PowerDesigner 9: • COOL:DBA 2.1 • Terrain for DB2 5.2, 5.3. 5.4 • Bachman/DBA 4

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