Convert Enterprise Architect to Importer for IBM Rational Software Architect
Current version: 8.19
Convert Enterprise Architect to Importer for IBM Rational Software Architect
Current version: 8.19
The TOOLBUS: Enterprise Architect Importer for Rational Software Architect enables the import of UML Models from Sparx Enterprise Architect into IBM Rational Software Architect (RS A) and IBM Rational Software Modeler (RS M), and it supports
+ UML Activity Diagrams
+ UML Class Diagrams
+ UML Co llaboration Diagrams
+ UML Component Diagrams
+ UML Composite Structure Diagrams
+ UML Deploym ent Diagrams
+ UML Sequence Diagrams
+ UML State Chart Diagrams
+ UML Use Case Diagrams.
The UML objects from Enterprise Architect are converted to RS A/RS M/RSD with their attributes and doc umentation, and the layout of the UML Diagrams from Enterprise Architect is maintained in RS A and RSM. Stereotypes and Tagged Values: A RSA Profile can be generated automatically for Stereotypes and T agged Values defined in the Enterprise Architect model, or an existing RSA Profile can be assigned to be used by the TOOLBUS RSA Import plugin.
The Enterprise Architect Importer for Rational Software Architect reads an Enterprise Architect Project (EAP file or database repository) using the Enterprise Architect API functions, or it pars es a XMI export file from Ent erprise Architect alternatively. I t uses the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) to import UML Dia gram s into IBM Rational Software Architect and IBM Rational Software Modeler.
The TOOLBUS: Enterprise Architect Importer for Rational Software Architect supports IBM Rational Software Architect and IBM Rational Software Modeler versions 7.5 and 8.0, and Sparx Enterprise Architect versions 6.0 to 9.3.
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