Convert ERwin Data Modeler to COOL:BusinessTeam
Current version: 6.59
Convert ERwin Data Modeler to COOL:BusinessTeam
Current version: 6.59
The TOOLBUS Interface for AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler and COOL:BusinessTeam / COOL:DBA (formerly available as Bachman/Analyst / GroundWorks / Bachman/DBA / Terrain for DB2 ) enables the migration of Logical Models (Entity-Relationship Models) from COOL:BusinessTeam (or from GroundWorks, Bachman/Analyst) and the migration of Physical Models from COOL:DBA (or from Terrain, Bachman/DBA) to AllFusion ERwin 4.1.
The TOOLBUS Interface provides three migration paths: 1. Migration of Logical Models from COOL:BusinessTeam/GroundWorks to AllFusion ERwin: • Entity-Relationship Data Models (Entities, Attributes, Partnerships, Domains, Allowed Value Tables) are migrated from COOL:BusinessTeam (or from GroundWorks, Bachman/Analyst) to AllFusion ERwin. • The System Maps to the physical model, which are found in the COOL:BusinessTeam/GroundWorks model, ar e evaluated, and physical names are inserted into the AllFusion ERwin model for Tables and Columns. Remark: Additional physical information can be added to the migrated model, and the model can be updated, by using AllFusion ERwin’s “Complete Compare” function. • Allowed Value Tables from COOL:BusinessTeam/GroundWorks are migrated to Table Validation Rules in AllFusion ERwin. • When migrating models from COOL:BusinessTeam to AllFusion ERwin, Filters are translated to Subject Areas in AllFusion ERwin, and the layout of the Entity-Relationship Diagrams is reproduced to a high degree. For GroundWorks, the layout of the whole Entity Model is reproduced, and for the Filters a default layout is generated. Migration Process: To migrate a COOL:BusinessTeam/GroundWorks model to AllFusion ERwin, it must be exported into a VAR file. The TOOLBUS Interface generates a XML file for AllFusion ERwin 4.1 from the VAR export file. 2. Migration of Physical Models from COOL:DBA to AllFusion ERwin: • Relational Models (Databases, Tables, Columns, Indexes, etc.) are migrated from COOL:DBA (or from Terrain, Bachman/DBA) to AllFusion ERwin. • The System Maps to the logical model, which are found in the COOL:DBA/Terrain model, are evaluated, and logical names are inserted into the AllFusion ERwin model for Entities and Attributes. Migration Process: To migrate a COOL:DBA model to AllFusion ERwin 4.1, the model must be exported into a VAR file. The TOOLBUS Interface generates a XML file for AllFusion ERwin 4.1 from the VAR export file. 3. Migration of Logical & Physical Models from COOL:BusinessTeam and COOL:DBA to AllFusion ERwin: The export files from COOL:BusinessTeam and COOL:DBA are migrated together: • The Logical Model in AllFusion ERwin is created from the COOL:BusinessTeam (or GroundWorks) model, as described for migration path 1 above. • The Physical Model in AllFusion ERwin is created from the COOL:DBA (or Terrain) model, as described for migration path 2 above. • The System Maps to the Logical Model, which are found in the COOL:DBA/Terrain model, are evaluated, and links to the logical names are inserted into the AllFusion ERwin model for Entities and Attributes. Migration Process: To migrate a COOL:BusinessTeam model together with a COOL:DBA model to AllFusion ERwin 4.1, both models must be exported into VAR files. The TOOLBUS Interface generates an XML file for AllFusion ERwin 4.1 from the VAR export files.
The TOOLBUS Interface for AllFusion AllFusion ERwin and COOL:BusinessTeam/DBA requires Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP. The TOOLBUS Interface supports the migration of Logical Models from the following Bachman tools to AllFusion ERwin 4.1: • COOL:BusinessTeam 1.2, 1.2a • GroundWorks 1.x, 2.x • Bachman/Analyst 4.15, 4.20, 4.30 and 4.4 The TOOLBUS Interface supports the migration of Physical Models from the following Bachman tools to AllFusion AllFusion ERwin 4.1: • COOL:DBA 2.1 • Terrain for DB2 5.2, 5.3. 5.4 • Bachman/DBA 4.4
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