Convert ERwin Process Mod. to COOL:Biz
Current version: 1.10
Convert ERwin Process Mod. to COOL:Biz
Current version: 1.10
The TOOLBUS Interface for AllFusion Process Modeler (formerly available as BPwin ) and COOL:Biz enables the conversion of Process Models from COOL:Biz to AllFusion Process Modeler.
Diagram Mapping Overview: COOL:Biz
AllFusion Process Modeler Process Decomposition => Business Process Decomposition (IDEF0)
Organizational Decomposition => Organization Chart
Data Flow => Data Flow
Workflow => Swim Lane
Activity Flow => Swim Lane
Entities => Entities (Dictionary)
Attributes => Attributes (Dictionary)
Note: Entity-Relationship Diagrams and Database Sc hema Diagrams can be migrated from COOL:Biz to AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler by the TOOLBUS Interface for AllF usion ERwin and COOL:Biz.
To convert a Data Model from COOL:Biz to ALLFusion Process Modeler, the COOL:Biz model must be exported to a BML file. The TOOLBUS Interface creates a XML file for AllFusion Process Modeler from the BML export file.
The TOOLBUS Interface for AllFusion Proces s Modeler and COOL:Biz requires Windows NT/2000/XP. It supports AllFusion Process Modeler 4. 1.4 SP1 (or higher) and COOL:Biz 3.2, 4.0, 4.1, 5.0 and 5.1.
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