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Convert ERwin to COOL:Gen

Current version: 6.01

Important to know

The TOOLBUS Interface for CA Gen (formerly available as Composer, COOL:Gen, Advantage Gen, AllFusion Gen ) and CA ERwin Data Modeler enables the bi -directional exchange of Logical and Physical Data Models between CA Gen and CA ERwin :
+ Entities, Entity Subtypes (Partitionings), Relationships and Attributes are migrated in both directions with their properties and descriptions. Type and Length information of CA ERwin Domains is evaluated and stored in all CA Gen Attributes, which use this Domain in CA ERwin. Permitted Values are transferred from CA Gen to Table Validation Rules in CA ERwin, and vice versa.
+ CA ERwin Subject Areas are mapped to Scoped Data Models in CA Gen, and vice versa.
+ The layout of Entity -Relationship Diagrams is reproduced in both directions to a high degree.
+ CA Gen DSD names are stored as Physical Names in CA ERwin, and vice versa.
+ Physical Data Models (Tables, Columns, Keys, Indexes) can be imported from CA ERwin into CA Gen together with the Logical Models, and vice versa.

Conversion Process

n order t o migrate a model from CA Gen to CA ERwin the Gen model is exported from the Toolset Encyclopedia with the Read API of CA Gen to an intermediate TOOLBUS File. The TOOLBUS programs generate a XML import file for CA ERwin Data Modeler fr om the inter mediate TOOLBUS file. In order t o migrate a model from CA ERwin Data Modeler to CA Gen the CA ERwin model is saved as a XML file. The TOOLBUS programs convert the CA ERwin model, and generate a new model in a Toolset Encyclopedia (*.IEF subdirectory) with the Update API of CA Gen. This model can be checked in from the Toolset Encyclopedia into a CA Gen Client/Server Encyclopedia (CSE), or to the host encyclopedia (CE).


The TOOLBUS Interface for CA Gen and CA ERwin requires Microsoft Windows XP /Vista /7. It supports CA Gen 4.1a to r8.0 and CA ERwin Data Modeler 4.1 to 8.2.

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