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Convert ERwin to Oracle Designer

Current version: 5.16

Important to know

The TOOLBUS Interface for Oracle Designer and CA ERwin Data Modeler enables the migration of Entity-Relationship Models and Server Models from Oracle Designer to Logical and Physical Data Models in CA ERwin Data Modeler, and vice versa. Logical Data Models: Entities, Relationships, Attributes, Identifiers, Domains and Value Sets are bi-directionally converted with their properties and textual descriptions. Physical Data Models: Tables, Columns, Foreign Keys, Indexes, Databases and Tablespaces are bi-directionally converted with their properties and textual descriptions. The associations between Physical and Logical Objects are also migrated. Diagrams: Entity Relationship and Server Model Diagram s are migrated from Oracle Designer to Subject Areas in CA ERwin Data Modeler with the included objects (Entities, Tables, Relationships), which are arranged in a standard layout, as reading the position of the symbols on the diagrams is not supported by the API functions of Oracle Designer. The generated diagrams can be enhanced by the “Layout Entire Diagram” function of CA ERwin Data Modeler. External References: Referenced objects (Entities, Tables, Domains, etc.) contained in other Application Systems are copied into the ERwin Data Models. User Defined Properties: User Defined Properties (UDPs) from Oracle Designer are migrated to UDPs in CA ERwin Data Modeler:

Conversion Process

Migration Process: In order to migrate Entity-Relationship Data M odels and Server Models from Oracle Designer to CA ERwin an Application System is exported from Oracle Designer by the TOOLBUS export program into an intermediate TOOLBUS file. From the TOOLBUS file a XML file for CA ERwin (or an ERX file for ERwin 3.5.2) is generated, which can be opened in CA ERwin Data Modeler. In order to migrate Logical and Physical Data Models from CA ERwin to Oracle Designer the ERwin Model must be saved as a XML file, or as an ERX file (in ERwin 3.5.2). The TOOLBUS conversion programs generate an intermediate TOOLBUS file from the ERwin XML (or ERX) file. The TOOLBUS update program loads a new Application System, or updates the latest version of an existing Application System by the functions provided by the API (Application Programmatic Interface) of Oracle Designer, using the intermediate TOOLBUS file as input.


Platform: The TOOLBUS Interface for Oracle Designer and CA ERwin requires Windows XP/Vista/7. It supports Oracle Designer/2000 1.3, Oracle Designer 2.1, 2.1.2, 6.0, 6i, 9i and 10g, and CA ERwin Data Modeler 3.5.2, 4.0, 4.1, 4.1.4., 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3.

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