Convert ERwin to Select SE (Systems Engineer)
Current version: 4.01
Convert ERwin to Select SE (Systems Engineer)
Current version: 4.01
The TOOLBUS Interface for AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler and Select SE (formerly available as LBMS Systems Engineer ) enables the conversion of Logical and Physical Data Models from Select SE to AllFusion ERwin. Entities, Relationships, Attributes and Da ta Items from Select SE are mapped to Entities/Tables, Relationships, Attributes/C olumns and Domains in AllFusion ERwin. For every Data Model or Data Model Subset from Select SE a Subj ect Area is created in AllFusion ERwin, and the diagram layout is maintained. The TOOLBUS interface provides several rule s for the mapping of SE Data Items to ERwin Attributes and Domains, which can be selected as options for the conversion.
In order to migrate models from the Select SE repository to A llFusion ERwin all or selected data models are exported into a DI F file (.001 file) by the Reposit ory Services of Select SE. The DIF file is converted to an intermediate TOOLBUS file, from which an XML import file for AllFusion ERwin is generated.
The TOOLBUS Interface for AllFusion E Rwin and Select SE requires Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP. The interface supports AllFus ion ERwin versions 4. 0, 4.1 and 4.1.4, and Select SE (Systems Engineer) Versions 6 and 7.
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