Convert Oracle Designer to Select SE (Systems Engineer)
Current version: 2.01
Convert Oracle Designer to Select SE (Systems Engineer)
Current version: 2.01
The TOOLBUS Interface for SELECT SE and Oracle Designer enables bidirectional exchange of these models between the two repositories:
+ Data Models: Entities, Relationships and Attributes of SELECT SE are bi-directionally mapped to Oracle Designer. Remark: Data Model diagrams cannot be imported from SELECT SE into Oracle Designer, because they are not supported by the import/export interface of Oracle Designer (Application Programmatic Interface / API).
+ Function Descriptions and Process Hierarchies: Processes and Process Decomposition Charts of SELECT SE are bidirectionally mapped to Business Processes and Process Hierarchies of Oracle Designer.
+ Function/Entity Usages: Process/Entity references of SELECT SE are bidirectionally mapped to Process/Entity Usage matrices in Oracle Designer.
To migrate a model from SELECT SE to Oracle Designer all or selected models are exported into a DIF file (.001 file) by the Repository Services of SELECT SE. The DIF file is converted to an intermediate file called “TOOLBUS”. The TOOLBUS interface programs build a new Application System, or update the latest version of an existing Application System in Oracle Designer by the functions provided by Oracle Designer’s API, using the TOOLBUS file as input. To migrate models from Oracle Designer to SELEC T SE an Application System is exported from Oracle Designer into a TOOLBUS file. The TOOLBUS interface programs generate a DIF import file for SELECT SE from the TOOLBUS file. During migration between Oracle Designer and the ARIS Toolset the models are transformed to compensate the differences of the meta models of the two repositories.
The TOOLBUS Interface for Oracle Designer and SELECT SE requires Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me, or Windows NT/2000/XP. The interface supports Oracle Designer Versions 1.3, 2.1, 2.1.2, 6.0 and 6i, and SELECT SE Versions 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, and 7.0.
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