Convert PowerDesigner (BPMN) to Rational System Architect
Current version: 4.10
Convert PowerDesigner (BPMN) to Rational System Architect
Current version: 4.10
The TOOLBUS interface for Sybase PowerDesigner and IBM Rational S ystem A rchitect enables the migrat i on of Data, Process and UML Models from Rational System Architec t to Sybase PowerDesigner, and vice versa:
1. Entity Relation Models and Physical Data Models from Rational System Architect to Conceptual Data Models (CDM), Logic al Dat a Models ( L DM) and Physical Data Models (PDM) in PowerDesigner, and vice versa.
2. Business P rocess Models from Rational System Architect to BPMN 2.0 Business Process Models (BPM) in PowerDesigner.
3. UML Models from Rational System Architect to Object – oriented Models (OOM) i n PowerDesigner, and Class Models from PowerDesigner OOM to UML Class Models in Rational System Architect. The layout of the Rational System Architect d iagrams is maintained in the P owerDesigner diagrams, and vice versa.
In order t o convert models from Rational System Architect to PowerDesigner, t he Rational System Architect Encyclopedia is read using the API functions. and t he Rational System Architect model s are converted to PowerDesigner CDM, L DM, PDM, BPM and OOM file s. In order t o convert data, process and UML models from PowerDesigner to Rational System Architect, the PowerDesigner CDM, LDM, PDM, BPM and OOM files are converted, and imported into a Rational System Architect Encyclopedia using the API functions.
The TOOLBUS Interface for PowerDesigner and Rational System Architect requires Micr osoft Windows XP /Vista /7. The TOOLBUS interface supports Sybase PowerDesigner 15.0 to 16. 5 and IBM Rational System Architect 9.0 to 11.4.
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