Convert PowerDesigner Data (CDM) / Logical Data (LDM) / Physical Data (PDM) to COOL:Biz
Current version: 1.06
Convert PowerDesigner Data (CDM) / Logical Data (LDM) / Physical Data (PDM) to COOL:Biz
Current version: 1.06
The TOOLBUS Interface for COOL:Biz and PowerDesigner enables the conversion of Entity-Relationship Diagrams and Database Schema Diagrams from COOL:Biz to Conceptual Data Models (CDM) and Physical Data Models (PDM) in PowerDesigner.
In order to migrate a model from COOL:Biz to PowerDesigner the COOL:Biz model is exported into a BML file, which is transformed to a TOOLBUS File. The TOOLBUS programs generate (XML) CDM and (XML) PDM f iles for PowerDesigner from the inter- mediate TOOLBUS file.
The TOOLBUS Interface for COOL:Biz and PowerDesigner requires Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP. It supports COOL:Biz releases 3.2, 4.0, 4.1, 5.0 and 5. 1, and PowerDesigner versions 10 and 11.
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