Convert PowerDesigner Data (CDM) / Logical Data (LDM) / Physical Data (PDM) to ER/Studio
Current version: 5.02
Convert PowerDesigner Data (CDM) / Logical Data (LDM) / Physical Data (PDM) to ER/Studio
Current version: 5.02
The bi – directional TOOLBUS Interface for ER/Studio Data Architect and PowerDesigner enables the migration of Logical and Physical Data Models from ER/Studio Data Arc hitect t o Sybase PowerDesigner, and vice versa:
+ Logical Data Models (Entities, Attributes, Relations hips, and Domains ) are converted from ER/Studio Data Architect to Conceptual Data Models (CDM) and Logical Data Models (LDM) for PowerDesigner, and vice ve rsa.
+ Physical Models (Databases, Tables, Columns, Indexes, etc.) are converted from ER/Studio Data Architect to Physical Data Models (PDM) for PowerDesigner, and vice versa.
+ The diagram layout of logical and physical data m odels from ER/Studio Data Archite ct is preserv ed in PowerDesigner, and vice versa.
+ The links from the Physical Data Models to the Conceptual Data Models (CDM) and Logical Data Models (LDM) are inserted as Version Information in the physical objects (e.g. Tables and Columns) in PowerDesign er PDM, and the physical objects are linked to the logical objects in ER/Studio Data Architect.
The TOOLBUS interface converts DM1 files from ER/Studio Data Architect to CDM, LDM and PDM files for PowerDesigner, and vice versa.
The TOOLBUS Interface for ER/Studio Data Architect and PowerDesigner requires Microsoft Windows XP /Vista /7 /8, and it supports Embarcadero ER/Studio Data Architect 6. 0 to 1 1.0, and Sybase PowerDesigner 12. 5 to 16. 5.
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