Convert PowerDesigner Data (CDM) / Logical Data (LDM) / Physical Data (PDM) to ERwin Data Modeler
Current version: 6.65
Convert PowerDesigner Data (CDM) / Logical Data (LDM) / Physical Data (PDM) to ERwin Data Modeler
Current version: 6.65
T he TOOLBUS Interface for CA ERwin Data Modeler and Sybase PowerDesigner enables the bi – directional migration of Conceptual, Logical a nd Physical Data Models between CA ERwin Da ta Modeler and Sybase PowerDesigner, or
Conceptual & Logical Data Models:
+ Entities, Relationships, Attributes, Keys, Domains and Validation Rules are migrat ed from CA ERwin Data Modeler to PowerDesigner Conceptual Models (CDM) and Logical Models (LDM) with their properties and textual d ocumentation, and vice versa.
The physical names for Entities and Attributes, i.e. the Table and Column names, are scanned in the ERwin model, and Code names are inserted into the Conceptu al and Logical Data Model in PowerDesigner. Code names from PowerDesigner are used to create physical names for Erwin.
Physical Data Models:
Tables, Columns, Primary Keys, Foreign Keys, Indexes and Storage objects (Database s, Tablespace s, etc.) from CA ERwin Data Modeler are migra t ed t o Physical Data Models in PowerDesigner PDM files, and vice versa.
The logical names for Tables and Columns, i.e. the Entity and Attribute names, are scanned in the ERwin model, and logical names are inserted into the Physical Data Model in PowerDesign er PDM files for Tables and Columns, and vice versa.
The link s from Physical to Conceptual and Logical Models are inserted as Version Information in to the physical objects (e.g. Tables and Columns) in PowerDesigner PDM files.
Diagram Layout: T he layout of the data model diagrams from ERwin Data Modeler is maintained in the PowerDesigner CDM, LDM and PDM diagrams, including relationship line routing and colors, and vice versa. User Defined Properties: The TOOLBUS Interface supports the migration of User De fined Properties (UDPs) from CA ERwin Data Modeler to User Extensions for PowerDesig ner (XEM files for Extended Model Definitions can be generated automatically), and vice versa.
In order t o migrate logical and physical data models from CA ERwin Data Modeler to PowerDesigner, the TOOLBUS Interface generates CDM, LDM and PDM file s for PowerDesigner from ERwin.xml and.erwin files, and from CA ERwin Model Manager (ModelMart) or CA ERwin Mart Server. In order t o migrate data models from P owerDesigner to CA ERwin Data Modeler, the TOOLBUS Interface generates XML import files for CA Erwin from PowerDesigner CDM, LDM and PDM file s.
The TOOLBUS Interface for ERwin and PowerDesigner requires Windows XP /Vista /7. It supports CA ERwin Data Modeler 4. 1, 4.1.4, 7. 0 to 9. 5, and Sybase PowerDesigner 9.0 to 16. 5.
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