Convert PowerDesigner (OOM) / UML to ARIS
Current version: 8.95
Convert PowerDesigner (OOM) / UML to ARIS
Current version: 8.95
The TOOLBUS Interface for ARIS UML Designer and PowerDesigner OOM e nables the conversion of UML models from ARIS UML Designer to PowerDesigner O bject – oriented Models, and vice versa. The diagram layout of the ARIS UML Diagrams is maintained in the PowerDesigner Object – oriented Model s, and vice versa.
In order to migrate ARIS UML M odel s to PowerDesigner Object – oriented Models, an ARIS Group must be exported to a X ML file (AML file), which is co nverted to a PowerDesigner OO M file. In order to migrate Object – oriented M odel s files from PowerDesigner to ARIS UML Models, the PowerDesigner OOM file s are converted to XML import file s for ARIS UML Designer.
The TOOLBUS interface for ARIS a nd PowerDesigner supports ARIS UML Designer v ersions 7. 0 to 9. 6, and other ARIS products, which include ARIS UML Designer functionality. The TOOLBUS Interface supports Sybase PowerDesigner versions 10.0 to 16. 5 SP03.
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