Convert Rational Rose to Oracle Designer
Current version: 3.04
Convert Rational Rose to Oracle Designer
Current version: 3.04
The TOOLBUS Interface for Oracle Designer and Rational Rose enables migration of UML Class Models from IBM Rational Rose to Entity-Relationship Data Models in Oracle Designer, and vice versa: Entity-Relationship Data Models which were described in Oracle Designer can be converted to UM L Class Diagrams to populate new models in Rational Rose. UML Class Diagrams can be converted to Entity-Relationship Data Models for Oracle Designer, in order to facilitate using the database design and the SQL DDL generation functions of Oracle Designer. Wi th the TOOLBUS interface both tools can supplement each other in a coexisting way. These object types can be migr ated between the two tools: Rational Rose Oracle Designer Logical Package, Class Diagram < == Data Model Diagram (unidirectional) Class <==> Entity Link Class (unidirectional) ==> Entity Generalization/Specialization <==> Super/Sub Entity Association <==> Relationship Attribute <==> Attribute
Data Modeler Support: The TOOLBUS Interface fully supports the Rose Data Modeler for the transformation of Rose Class Models to Enti ty-Relationship Models in Oracle Designer, and vice versa (e.g. the Identifiers and the dat a types are derived from the Data Modeler entries). As an alternative to t he Data Modeler standard, the classification of Attributes and Associations as part of t he Primary Key, and the mapping of datatypes can also be customized. Special Transformation Options: The TOOLBUS interface provides special transformation options for the customization of the transformation rules according to the needs of the user:
+ All Classes, or only persistent classes, can be selected for the migration from Rational Rose to Oracle Designer.
+ Stereotypes can be used in Rational Rose to mark identifying Attributes, mandatory Attributes and identifying Associations.
+ For the mapping of Datatypes used in Rose (e.g. specified in C or VisualBasic syntax) to the Datatypes which are defined for Attributes in Oracle Designer, a mapping editor is provided, which allows to specify specia l mapping rules according to the standards of the user. As a default the Oracle Types whic h are provided by Rational Rose are used. Interface Technology: The interface uses the Applicat ion Programmatic Interface of Oracle Designer (API) and the Rose Extensibility Interface (REI).
The TOOLBUS Interface for Oracle De signer and Rational Rose requires Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista. The interface s upports Oracle Designer 2.1., 2.1.2, 6.0, 6i, 9i, 10g and Rational Rose 98i, 2000, 2000e, 2001, 2001A, 2002, 2003.
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