Convert Rational Software Architect to ERwin Data Modeler
Current version: 8.1
Convert Rational Software Architect to ERwin Data Modeler
Current version: 8.1
The TOOLBUS: CA ERwin Data Model Importer for Rational Software Architect enables the import of Logical and Physical Data Models from CA ERwin Data Architect into UML Class Diagrams in I BM Rational Software Architect ( RSA ) and Rational Software Modeler (RS M ). Entities, Relationships and Attributes (or Tables, Foreign Keys and Columns) f ro m CA ERwin Data Architect are converted to UML Classes, Associations and Attributes f or RSA /RS M with their properties and documentation. The layout of the Subject Areas from CA ERwin Data Modeler is maintained in the imported UML Class D iagrams in RSA and RS M.
The CA ERwin Data Model Importer for Rational Software Modeler reads ERwin.ER1 and.erwin model files directly, or it parses the ERwin XML export files. Importing models from CA ERwin Model Manager (ModelMart) directly is al so supported. T he Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) is used to create UML Class Diagrams in Rational Software Architect and Rational Software Modeler.
The TOOLBUS: CA ERwin Data Model Importer for Rational Software Architect requires Microsoft W indows XP/Vista /7. It supports CA ERwin Data Modeler 4.1.4, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7. 3, 8.0 and 8. 1, and IBM Rational Software Architect and Rational Software Modeler 7. 5 to 8.04.
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