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Convert Rational System Architect to Rational System Architect

Current version: 5.02

Important to know

SABUS is the ASG-Rochade Bus Interface for System Architect from Telelogic, which enables the upload and download of Project Data Models, Business Process Models and UML Class Diagrams between S ystem Architect and Rochade. SABUS uses the TOOLBUS technology, which was developed by Reischmann Informatik GmbH for the exchange of meta data between modeling tools, and between modeling tools and repositories.

System Requirements

System Requirements: SABUS requires a Rochade Client 6.2 (or hi gher) for Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista, and the Rochade API and for Rochade XNS the Java API 1.40.003 (or higher). The interface supports Telelogic System Architect releases 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. SABUS uses the OLE Automation Functions which are provided by the Interface Manager Facility (IMF) of System Architect to read and update System Architect Encyclopedias.

Repository Information Models

Repository Information Model: The Repository Information Model (RIM) for S ystem Architect, which consists of the CDM-RIM and the SA2BUS-RIM or the UML-RIM, covers the obj ects which are used in these Diagrams of System Architect: CDM-RIM:
+ Project Data Model SA2BUS-RIM:
+ Functional Hierarchy
+ Process Chart
+ Process Decomposition
+ Process Hierarchy
+ Process Map
+ Relationship Map UML-RIM:
+ UML Class Diagrams Remark: SABUS also enables the integration and the exchange of Project Data Models from System Architect with Entity-Relations hip Data Models which were described in CASE tools from other vendors. This is accomplished by the CDM-RIM of Rochade (Repository Information Model for Conceptual Data Models), which is used for the mapping of Project Data Model s from System Architect. Entity-Relationship Data Models which were described in other CASE t ools can be migrated to System Architect via the Rochade Repository, and vice versa. Rochade is the central database (“Meta Data Warehouse”) which gathers all t he Data Models of the enterprise. Remark: The UML-RIM is used for all ASG-Rochade Bus interfaces for UML tools. Currently there are ASG-Rochade Bus Inte rfaces available for Borland Together ControlCenter (TOGETHERBUS), PowerD esigner (PWRDESBUS), Rational Rose (ROSEBUS), Rational Software Modeler (R SMBUS), Select Component Architect (SELECTBUS) and System Architect (SABU S), which enable the exchange of UML models between the UML Tools of the different vendors. SABUS Item Types Either the CDM-RIM and SA2BU S-RIM or the UML-RIM is used for the mapping of System Architect objects to Rochade: CDM-RIM: CDM/ATTRIBUTE CDM/ATTRIBUTE-VALUE CDM/DATA-TYPE CDM/DATATYPE-VALUE CDM/DIMENSION CDM/ENTITY CDM/IDENTIFIER CDM/MODEL CDM/RELATIONSHIP CDM/SUBJECT-AREA CDM/SUBTYPE-SET CDM/VALID-VALUE CDM/VALIDATION-RULE UML-RIM: UML/ACTOR UML/ASSOCIATION UML/ATTRIBUTE UML/BASIC-TYPE UML/CLASS UML/CLASS-DEPENDENCY UML/CLASS-DIAGRAM UML/COMPONENT UML/COMPONENT-DEPENDENCY UML/COMPONENT-DIAGRAM UML/COMPONENT-PACKAGE UML/DISCRIMINATOR UML/ENUMERATION-LITERAL UML/IDENTIFIER UML/LOGICAL-PACKAGE UML/LOGICAL-PACKAGE-DEPENDENCY UML/MODEL UML/OPERATION UML/PARAMETER UML/REALIZE-RELATION UML/SPECIALIZATION UML/TYPE-DEFINITION UML/USE-CASE UML/USE-CASE-DIAGRAM SA2BUS-RIM: SA2/CATEGORY SA2/ELEM-BUS-PROCESS-DEFINITION SA2/ELEMENTARY-BUSINESS-PROCESS SA2/ENCYCLOPEDIA SA2/EVENT SA2/EVENT-DEFINITION SA2/EXTERNAL-OBJECT SA2/FLOW-BREAK SA2/FLOW-BREAK-DEFINITION SA2/FUNCTION SA2/FUNCTION-DEFINITION SA2/ITERATION SA2/ITERATION-DEFINITION SA2/LOGICAL-PROCESS-HIERARCHY SA2/MANDATORY-SEQUENCE SA2/OPTIONAL-SEQUENCE SA2/ORG-ENTITY-DEFINITION SA2/ORG-FUNCTION SA2/ORGANIZATION-UNIT-DEFINITION SA2/PRIMARY-PROCESS-GROUP SA2/PROCESS-DIAGRAM SA2/PROCESS-OBJECT SA2/PROCESS-OBJECT-DEFINITION SA2/PROCESS-THREAD SA2/PROCESS-THREAD-DEFINITION SA2/RESULT SA2/RESULT-DEFINITION SA2/SEQUENCE-DEFINITION SA2/SUBJECT-DEFINITION SA2/SWIMLANE

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